Fallout 5 confirmed, just don't expect it anytime soon

Bethesda boss Todd Howard has confirmed that Fallout 5 is in the game maker's plans.

However, he's also said that it's in a queue behind Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6, so it could still be years before we see anything tangible from the Xbox-owned studio.

Indeed, Fallout 5 is just a single-sheet concept right now: "We have a one-pager on Fallout 5, what we want to do," said Howard on IGN's latest podcast.

The Bethesda director also ruled out given it to an external developer to speed up production: "I don’t see… Look, Fallout’s really part of our DNA here," he said.

"I’d like to find a way to accelerate what we do, but I can’t really say today, or commit to anything, what’s going to happen when, other to say that our cadence is Starfield and then Elder Scrolls 6."

Starfield is currently scheduled for release in November 2022, while Elder Scrolls 6 is seen as a long way off yet. Both games will be Xbox exclusives (with a release on Windows PC too), so it's more than likely that Fallout 5 will be too.

That being said, by the time it is anywhere near being released, who knows if the Xbox Series X/S and PS5 will still be the current-gen consoles or if other platforms have emerged by then. Maybe Xbox's Cloud Gaming service is so widespread that it's easy enough to access the game anyway.

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